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Click below to read the questions and answers from other visitors to this page...
ideas for Duet of skinny love by birdie
Hi! I am a high school student looking for choreography ideas for competition choreography ideas with my friend. The song is "skinny love"and the dance …
Using objects in choreography
I’m creating a dance, for my high school modern/contemporary production labeled ‘Art that Moves’ and I have a song and for the most part choreography done, …
How to turn a theme into choreography
I need help figuring out dance ideas for 4 people relating it to a toxic relationship/friendship?
Duet choreography to Salvation by Gabrielle Aplin for 10 yr olds at a intermediate level
Hi I am choreographing a duet for two little girls at a summer camp this summer, the two girls are 10 years old and have experience in dancing in the modern …
Easy contemporary dance choreography ideas
Hi. I need an easy 1 minute long choreography idea (modern or jazz). I don't normally dance, but I need to prepare something to get into a musical theatre …
Choreography for Children In Need School Flash Mob
I'm a charity rep at my school and I've been given the job to organise a flash mob for our school to raise money for Children In Need. I'm just wondering …
Music ideas?
I have a piece I asked to choreograph for my dance company. I am 16 years old and just joined the company last year. I was trained in ballet for ten years …
Music ideas for my choreography ?
Hi, I'm currently choreographing a dance solo for my performance exam, the stimulus is 'decent into madness'. I'm looking for something that has a slow, …
Does habit dancing narrow our creation?
What limits our creation and does habit dancing with sbd narrow our creation? I have my final exam in which I have to explore sth. and I choose this, because …
Solo choreography on the poem 'You're' by Sylvia Plath
I'm struggling with ideas for movement for this poem. It is about pregnancy but also has a lot of context. Sylvia suffered from mental illness and depression …
Solo Dance, moves or routines ideas?
I'm a year 11 student and to get my final grade, I need to create, and perform a solo dance, but I have no idea how to dance or come up with anything. …
Color contemporary dance - how to dance a color?
I need to choreograph a contemporary dance which is about a color. Does anyone now what color I could dance about and how to do it? I have tried very …
How to give a title to an abstract dance piece
I've finished choreographing my group contemporary ballet piece but have been struggling with a title. When I began choreographing, I really didn't want …
Special effects to dance with
I'm choreographing a contemporary dance for a special event at school. The last years I've used some special attributes and effects to make the …
How to make choreography for groups
So my dance class at school allows us to be a choreographer for 4-6 weeks and teach a group of students a choreography piece. I tried choreographing a …
What is the device 'question and answer' and 'leading and following' in choreography?
What is the device 'question and answer' and 'leading and following' in choreography?
Partnering steps for dancers
Hi! I'm a senior in high school, and I've been dancing thirteen years. I am choreographing a contemporary dance with a few other girls to "Shake it Out" …
Stumped... steps to use for choreography???
I've been choreographing a lot lately, and I'm running out of steps to use. If someone could give me names of steps to use, it would be much appreciated. …
How can I start developing a chance dance?
I am a sixth-form student currently studying A-Level dance. I have taken up an Extended Project where my chosen subject is 20th century influences …
Narrative story for a 3 minute contemporary solo
For my Honours Degree course I have to create a 3 minute contemporary solo based on a story, thus it has to be a narrative solo performed to classical …
Choreography inspired in the movement of kites
I’m struggling with my choreography in AS dance which is about kites and how they move. I could really do with some more ideas that could help me develop …
Choreography for a show choir
I am trying to create a show choir using the song Rumor in Saint Petersburg as our first song to try. I wanted to see if any advice was available, thanks …
Move for "If looks could kill" by Timomatic...
I'm stuck on a move that I have been working on for 3 weeks. I can't find anything that meets the criteria! The song is "If looks could kill" by Timomatic..... …
Key elements to Modern Dance
Could you please describe any key elements to a modern/contemporary dance? What should it include? What makes a good modern dance?
Thanks Georgia :)
Choreography based on a historical event that had an effect on the Australian people. Topic ideas. PLEASE!
I have to choreograph a dance performance based on a historical event that had an effect on the Australian people. It can be from the gold rush to the …
Do I need to know any SPECIFIC dance moves to compose a contemporary dance or is it just a dance you can do on your own?
So I do ballet. But for the school talent show, I would like to do my own contemporary once piece. I want to do it on my own, the choreography. I haven't …
Waltz for a wheelchair girl
My 15 year old daughter is in a wheelchair. We are celebrating her sweet 15 and we need help figuring out a nice waltz to include her in it...help, …
How to devise choreography for children
I would like variation of ideas on how to choreograph solos and groups of children
Compose a dance to Pentecost
I wish to compose a dance to Pentecost using words of the bible, describing how apostles felt when they were filled with the Holy Spirit
Choreographing my own solo
Hi! I am a 12 year old girl and I have been dancing for 10 years. I am thinking about choreographing my own solo instead own one of my teachers doing …
Choreographing a dance to the song Something To Dance For
by Zendaya
I need help choreographing a dance to the song "Something To Dance For" by Zendaya.
Will you please help me? I would most like the dance to be lyrical …
How to make choreography
more professional
I'm doing a school project where I have to make my own music video.
I've finished creating the song and I have the music. All I need to do is record …
Contemporary solo for school
I'm in year 12
Hi, I have to choreograph a contemporary solo for school I’m in year 12. I’m stuck with ideas on what to do it about. I would also like to use some …
Compose a dance to
Show Me How You Burlesque from Christina Aguilera
I have less than 12 hours to compose a dance to Show Me How You Burlesque from Christina Aguilera and I don't know all of the choreography from the …
Good steps on the Hindi song "SAIYAAN" by Kailash Kher
Hey I need some good steps on the Hindi song "SAIYAAN" by Kailash Kher....I would b very thankful to you for your help.
Choreography ideas?
Any ideas for a beginner?
High School Senior Dance Solo (dance to Nicki Minaj's "Marilyn Monroe" )
I am putting together a dance concert with my class and I want to dance to Nicki Minaj's song called "Marilyn Monroe". I was wandering if you had any …
New and cute moves
to do hip hop music
I am 1 of 5 members of a small town high school dance team. We have run out of creative ideas for our routines. What are some new and cute moves and combos …
How to dance and sing
love you like a love song?
1.How to dance and sing love you like a love song?
2.How to choreograph a dance?
Easy dance for Halo/walking on Sunshine
Me and two friends are doing a talent show in march of 2012. We are singing halo/walking on sunshine from glee and we need an easy dance so we can sing …
Dance choreography for a show
What dance choreography can I use for a show I am planning to do with my guide group. I am only a young leader and I am not sure what choreography I can …
Dance for our wedding
Me and my fiancé were thinking of a dance for the bridal party at our wedding... any ideas?
Senior Dance Solo Help!
For my senior dance class, we have to do a solo. The requirements for mine are:
"Heavy, long, powerful movements. Look like you weigh a thousand pounds. …
What song can I take on the emotion adbhuta?
What song can I take on the emotion adbhuta?
That might include hip hop, contemporary...
Choreography blank
For my dance assessment I have to choreograph and perform a contemporary solo and I'm stuck!
I'm dancing to 'Haunted' by Taylor Swift. I can normally …
I need help ( how to make a song that u can dance to )
Hello, I'm an 11 year old and I went to jamendo.com and it didn't help me. I need help on how to make a song that u can dance to, like symphonique, all …
Theme for a solo (not overused)
Hi! I have to perform a solo to a panel of examiners in the contemporary genre that DOES NOT explore overused themes such as love, relationships etc... …
contemporary song for a solo
I have an 11 year old looking for a contemporary song to do a solo with. She danced to "Can you hear the Melody" this year and it has a beat in the beginning …
Title (for a contemporary dance solo)
Should a contemporary dance solo have a title?
Dance Moves URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I am doing a dance that is ballet but to "Toxic" by Britney Spears. I wanted to make it a bit more modern but I am stuck with what moves to use!!!!! …
Jazz improv help!
I need help on coming up with dance moves for the lyrics "you can be the straw to my berry" and "we're perfect two". I need something that means something …
Good dance moves for our choreography.
Okay, so me and a few of my friends are doing a talent show try-out in 9 days to the song "You're the one that I want" from the song Grease; I don't know …
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