Choreographing a dance to the song Something To Dance For
by Zendaya

by Anonymous
(No location given)

I need help choreographing a dance to the song "Something To Dance For" by Zendaya.
Will you please help me? I would most like the dance to be lyrical or jazz/pom.
Thank you soooo much (:

Comments for Choreographing a dance to the song Something To Dance For
by Zendaya

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Mar 22, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Hi there!

I don't know what kind of help you specifically need to create your choreography, but anyway, here are some tips:

- Put the music on and start improvising. Then, try to memorize the moves you did and start building your choreography. It will be great if you create your dance with original moves that came out of your self.

- If you feel like stuck and don't know how to go on, try the dance composition method I describe in this special page: Dance composition

-There are also other threads in this forum. I recommend you to explore them because there are a lot of proposals and advices.

- If you still want more ideas, try watching videos at YouTube. You can always pick up moves from there and build up your own combination to your music. There are a lot of lyrical and jazz/pom videos there. Here's one example, just for inspiration:

-In case you decide to go more contemporary, try our selection of dance videos for ideas: Dance videos

Your question is not very specific, so I'm not sure what the help you need is. Just reply back through this same thread if you still need help.

Warm regards,


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