How to dance and sing
love you like a love song?

by Anna

1.How to dance and sing love you like a love song?
2.How to choreograph a dance?

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love you like a love song?

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Jan 30, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Anna,

A few weeks ago, I gave some ideas to other visitors who also wanted to sing and dance at the same time. I would recommend you to read that thread, because those ideas might apply to you as well. Here's the link to find it:

Easy dance for Halowalking on Sunshine

The simplest way to choreograph a dance is listening to the music, improvising freely (according to what you feel) and observe and memorize little by little the moves that appear. Though, there are many other dance composition methods and almost every choreographer has her/his own way to compose dances.

For another way to choreograph a dance, you can read our page for dance composition. If you follow the method described there, it will teach you a way to compose dance without depending on listening to the music. Here's the link to read that page:

Dance Composition

If you like choreography and are in the search to learn about it, you might find the following thread with tips for young choreographers interesting:

Tips for young choreographers

I hope this gives you a hand,

Warm regards,


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