Compose a dance to Pentecost

by Lucia Purshouse

I wish to compose a dance to Pentecost using words of the bible, describing how apostles felt when they were filled with the Holy Spirit

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Apr 18, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Lucia,

From what you tell us, you already have the starting point for composing your choreography. It seems that it will be a representative dance and I imagine that you will create the movements from what those words and feelings inspire in the dancers.

As you are using words to create your dance, you made me remember of a game that is used to compose dance and that you could use as well if you don’t mind creating movements that do not strictly represent the feelings of your topic.

You go like this:

Start with the first letter of your first word and draw it in space, with your whole body or with a part of your body, freely. You can ask your dancers to make a different proposal each.

There you have it: one first move or short choreographic phrase.

You can do this with all the letters or words, as wanted or needed.

Then, you just tie them together, put them into rhythm and music (if that's the case of your project) and you have a completely original dance...!

Maybe this composing strategy does not fully fit the spirit of your dance, or maybe it does. One thing I assure you: it is easy and fun.

I hope this helps,


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