Contemporary solo for school
I'm in year 12

by Anonymous
(No location given)

Hi, I have to choreograph a contemporary solo for school I’m in year 12. I’m stuck with ideas on what to do it about. I would also like to use some sort of prop. Please help me

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I'm in year 12

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Mar 13, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear dancer,

We have a very similar thread, opened by a dancer like you. I wrote an answer that fits your question there, so please visit that page to read it:

Theme for a solo

Remember that dance does not definitely need to have a subject or tell a story. There's also the possibility of creating abstract dances, in which the material is movement itself (steps, moves, etc...). You could also read the following thread to expand your understanding about this:

Do the dance movements have to have a meaning behind them ?

Concerning the prop, I believe that your choice depends on the subject or character of your dance. Anything can be great to dance with, but consider that there are some overused props you might want to avoid, like for example the chair and the table... (for some curious reason, many dancers have used them...)

Those are great props, but really overused. Anyway, you might want to make a completely original proposal of their use while dancing, so it's up to you to decide...

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,


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