contemporary song for a solo

by Summer

I have an 11 year old looking for a contemporary song to do a solo with. She danced to "Can you hear the Melody" this year and it has a beat in the beginning and end. She is looking for something on this order. Nothing overused.

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Jun 03, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Summer,

I understand that you don't want an overused song for the choreographic solo. That is a common concern among contemporary dancers when choosing their music.

There is a page on the web called where you can listen to an enormous list of songs for free. You can also download the song of your choice for non commercial purposes.

Here's the link to visit that page:

You should pay attention to the category of music you choose to listen, so that you go faster to the type of song you need. I believe there should be something that fits that choreographic solo in that website, so I suggest you start browsing around in there. The good thing is that most of that music is almost unknown.

There's another wonderful website called soundFORMovement. You can listen to everything for free and pay what you can to download the songs of your choice:


And there is also a page at our website, where this young artist can start learning how to order a musician to compose especially for contemporary dance choreography. You may want to show her the page. Here's the link to find it:

Contemporary Dance Music

I hope this help. But don't hesitate to write back if it is not enough. I'll be glad to help you further.

Wishing you the best,


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