Color contemporary dance - how to dance a color?

by Alicia

I need to choreograph a contemporary dance which is about a color. Does anyone now what color I could dance about and how to do it? I have tried very hard but find it hard to complete. x

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Aug 18, 2014
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Alicia,

The first thing is that you can dance any color, so you better choose one that is interesting or special for you. It may be interesting because you like it, because it makes you remember something unique, because you lack of it in your life or because of anything you decide. Just choose one for one reason that fits your current sensibility.

Then, remember that colors are abstract experiences. You can translate a color into movement just by trying to feel the color and then expressing that feeling with your bodily movement. What do you feel when you think of red? or green, for example?

Yet, I know that many dancers are not always used to work with abstract sensations, so you can also convert the feelings into concrete images. For example, if you choose blue, you can associate it to water, the see, the sky, your friend’s new car... ; ) whatever. This trick may facilitate the task.

The problem with colors as a topic is that they give you too much creative freedom. But that is also a good thing that you can make profit of, because you can always decide what to do with it. (You could even dance no matter what and say that it's your own perception of that color... ; ) ; ) ; )... Who would say No?

Hope this helps!

Warm regards,


Nov 04, 2015
I have never read
by: Tyson

I have never read such quality post/article as yours, ever on the web. Your post/article is very detailed and insightful yet easy to understand. Please write more frequently for this/our community.

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