Choreography for a show choir

by Rebecca

I am trying to create a show choir using the song Rumor in Saint Petersburg as our first song to try. I wanted to see if any advice was available, thanks :) By the way, I haven't ever made a show choir before so its a learning experience for me :/

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Sep 26, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Rebecca,

I would recommend you to first analyze the structure of the song, so that you understand how many choreographic parts you'll have.

After that, try exploring and improvising with the singers, asking them how they'd feel like moving when singing those parts of the song.

If you and the group are short of inspiration, try doing some research at YouTube. Type down the keyword 'show choir' in their search box and you will find a long list of videos that will give you plenty of ideas.

Compose the choreography, step by step, avoiding to confuse the singers with a lot of things at the same time. Rehears short parts of the singing-and-dancing, and move forward only when you see that the singers understand what they will be doing.

We have two threads in our forum that may be helpful for you. I recommend you to read them. Here are the links to find them:

Easy dance so we can sing and dance

How to dance and sing...

Warm regards,


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