Choreography ideas?

by Jessica
(The Colony, TX, U.S.A.)

Any ideas for a beginner?

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Mar 05, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Jessica,

From what your question tells me, I guess you are planning to create a new dance piece.

As you didn't give us much information about how your project is, I think it might be useful for you to browse through the threads at our section about ideas for choreography. There are many questions and answers there that can give you a starting point:

Ideas for choreography

If you are a young choreographer, we also have several interesting readings for you at our main pages:

Dance Composition

Movement Dramaturgy


Here's a related thread that has been opened by another young choreographer like you:

Tips for young choreographers

Still, if you are looking for concrete ideas about a specific project you are starting, just reply in this same thread and let us know more about the plan: type or style of dance, length, occasion, type of audience, group or solo dance or whatever you think is important for us to know how it will be.

I hope this gives you a hand and I wish you a lot of fun with your new choreography.

Warm regards,


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