New and cute moves
to do hip hop music

by Sydney N
(Clarkson, NE, United States)

I am 1 of 5 members of a small town high school dance team. We have run out of creative ideas for our routines. What are some new and cute moves and combos to do hip hop music for 5 people?

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to do hip hop music

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Jan 30, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Sydney,

I bet you will find many new hip hop dance moves here:

If you also feel like creating your own moves, you might want to read our page for dance composition. Though the method explain there was originally created for modern dance, it actually applies to all types of dance, so you can use it. Here's the link to visit that page:

Dance composition

It is easy and fast to copy other dancer's movements, but you will all become greater dancers if you try to invent your own moves your selves. Give it a try and you'll see...

Warm regards,


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