How to make choreography for groups

by Jamie Phalan
(Fremont, California)

So my dance class at school allows us to be a choreographer for 4-6 weeks and teach a group of students a choreography piece. I tried choreographing a dance, but it didn't go well and I ended up switching out of the group. Anyway I want to do a contemporary piece to the song Flower by Kylie Minogue and I was wondering if you could give me any ideas, any stunts? Anything would be fully appreciated. Thank you.

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Nov 20, 2013
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Jamie,

As you have chosen your music already, the best thing to start with is analyzing the musical piece. This will let you know how the structure of the choreography will be (i.e. how many parts it may have and the length and dynamic of each part).

After that, an easy way to make group choreography is to first create just one phrase of movement that will be learnt by all dancers. Once everyone knows that phrase, you start making variations of it but using the dancers as a group. For example:

- They all dance the phrase at the same time but each dancer faces towards a different direction.

- Make a canon: dancers start the phrase at different moments in time.

- Distribute the dancers in different shapes over space (lines, circles, triangles, etc...)

- Split the phrase in groups: one group of three dancers dances the first part of the phrase and the rest of the group dances the second part of the phrase. It happens at the same time.

- Make a dialogue: a part of the group daces a fraction of the phrase while the other is in pause, and then switch the roles.

- Coming in and out of the stage: while dancing the phrase, some dancers go out of stage, and then come in and others go out. Play with the number of dancers that do this.

- Etc...

The possibilities of making group variations are endless. If you wish to have more choreographic variety, you can apply this to two or more basic phrases, instead of just one. That way, you'll have more material to play with.

We have a special section about choreography for group at our dance composition page. You may find it useful to read it, to have more ideas. You’ll find that section by scrolling down the following page:

Dance composition

And there’s also a related chat in our forum in which you will find other bibliographic options:

Grammar for group dance

Warm regards,


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