Waltz for a wheelchair girl

by Fatima
(Watsonville ca 95076)

My 15 year old daughter is in a wheelchair. We are celebrating her sweet 15 and we need help figuring out a nice waltz to include her in it...help, it's two months away!!!!

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May 08, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Fatima,

Have you already seen this?:

There are a lot of great wheelchair-dancing ideas in that video and the music might fit your daughter's taste as well.

As a teenager, she might better like a pop song (which could have the rhythm of a waltz). Many famous pop artists sing this type of songs. There's for example Whitney Houston, with her "I have got nothing" or Céline Dion with "Oh Holy night" or the "Titanic theme song".

However, you could just choose a nice soft song that your daughter likes and dance to it.

If I where you, I would go to YouTube and search for pop singers and/or soft pop songs. You will find many options there, as well as different wheelchair dances to pick ideas for the choreography.

I hope this helps.

Warm regards and I wish you a wonderful party.


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