How to give a title to an abstract dance piece

by Hannah R.
(Worcester, MA)

I've finished choreographing my group contemporary ballet piece but have been struggling with a title. When I began choreographing, I really didn't want to be held back artistically by a theme but instead focused on the beauty of the music matching the movements to it instead. Therefore, the piece doesn't have a story or theme, but is simply a movement for movement's sake kind of approach.

The style is very connected and flow-y and is full of patterns. Very artsy
I'm looking for something that best conveys this information to the audience in order to set the right mindset for the piece.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

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May 20, 2014
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Hannah,

I personally love abstract dances and think that the title should show the same temperance as abstract movement involves.

For me, a good, direct, an honest way to name a piece like yours is to name it for what it is. In your case, it could be like FLOWY PATTERNS or something like that: simple, direct and descriptive.

Any other kind of elaborated titles are usually over ornamented for abstract dances.

There’s another related thread in our forum that may give you more ideas to decide. Here’s the link to the page:

Title for a dance

Warm regards,


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