Senior Dance Solo Help!

by Tiana
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

For my senior dance class, we have to do a solo. The requirements for mine are:

"Heavy, long, powerful movements. Look like you weigh a thousand pounds. Breathe like martial arts".

Any suggestions on music, themes or costumes, etc., that would work well for the requirements?


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Oct 26, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Tiana,

If I were you, I would look for some weird music at the NOISE section of Here's the link to get directly there:

Music tagged with the word noise at

Then, if you wish to work with a theme, I guess that something serious or tragic would fit the assignment you have. For example one of these human feelings: anger, pain, tiredness, etc., or a short history about death, loneliness, abandonment...

Costumes will depend on your subject and general intention. Remember that you can create a narrative dance in which costumes illustrate the role you play, but you can also go for something of a more abstract character, in which dance does not necessarily tell a story. In that case, costumes can help you emphasize the general heavy and tragic feeling if they have dark colors and thick material.

I hope this is of use for you, but keep in mind that aesthetic decisions always depend on the general idea and/or intention you want to create with your piece or choreography. Only you can really know what the most appropriate for your dance is.

Best of fortune for your project,


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