Stumped... steps to use for choreography???

by Anonymous
(No location given)

I've been choreographing a lot lately, and I'm running out of steps to use. If someone could give me names of steps to use, it would be much appreciated. :)

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Jan 28, 2013
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Hi there!

Instead of giving you names of dancing steps, I recommend you to start creating your own moves... I mean moves that don't have a name yet, moves that are not codified or renowned steps, as you say.

That's a great solution to avoid being stumped while choreographing!

Visit our page about dance composition and read it to have ideas for a start:

Dance composition ideas

Don't be afraid to be creative with your body and movement. Remember that that's the way the steps you already know where created by another dancer, some when in the past.

Warm regards,


P.s.: here are other pages that may be of use for you:

Movement dramaturgy


Apr 25, 2013
nice idea
by: wendy

great.i've thought about it before.but i keep forgetting my dance styles.maybe i should write them down.

anyway thanks.

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