Move for "If looks could kill" by Timomatic...

by Johnathan Sorenson

I'm stuck on a move that I have been working on for 3 weeks. I can't find anything that meets the criteria! The song is "If looks could kill" by Timomatic.....

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Aug 29, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Johnathan,

You are not giving me enough information about the choreography you're working on and for what you wrote I can't know what the move you're stuck on is. Therefore, I will try to help you with general thoughts on contemporary dance choreography, which may give you ideas and help you go on from where you are now.

You say "you can't find anything that meets the criteria". I wonder where you are looking. Are you maybe watching videos to get ideas? If that is so, you could change your strategy and create something completely original: a movement that you have never seen but that you invent completely from scratch, to meet the feeling or lyric of the music.

Another option is to stop worrying about the rigorous and exact coherence of what you think a 'move' expresses. Dance has always some degree of abstraction and you may be thinking that a movement adjusts perfectly to some lyric or feeling but anyone from an audience may perceive it differently. So, a little bit of playing and allowing yourself to just move here and then to the melodies, the rhythm, the dynamics or the general feeling, may free you from being stuck at that point of the composition process.

We have a similar question in our forum in which I wrote an answer with other ideas to deal with lyrics and difficulties to find matching movements. You may find it useful to read that chat. Here's the link to find it:

How to create moves for specific lyrics

We also have a page about dance composition in which you may find strategies to invent new moves:

Dance Composition

If you browse over the list of threads at our forum for dance questions about ideas for choreography, you may also find some chats that help you further. I'd recommend you to give it a try:

Page of the list of threads about ideas for choreography

I hope this helps.

Warm regards,


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