High School Senior Dance Solo (dance to Nicki Minaj's "Marilyn Monroe" )

by Sae Pickett
(Harbor City, California, United States )

I am putting together a dance concert with my class and I want to dance to Nicki Minaj's song called "Marilyn Monroe". I was wandering if you had any suggestions about dance moves I could do. I was looking for something like ballet related.

Comments for High School Senior Dance Solo (dance to Nicki Minaj's "Marilyn Monroe" )

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Feb 09, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Sae,

You can off course use ballet moves, but have you already studied some ballet before? Moving like that might be a bit difficult if it's your first time.

Anyway, I just went to YouTube and typed simple ballet choreography in the search box. Look at what I found at the beginning of the results:

If you follow the related videos there, you will find plenty of other ideas.

I also think that you could consider another type of dance like modern, contemporary or hip-hop. Pop singers like Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Rianna and so forth have many video clips at YouTube that are full of choreographies. Pop moves like those might fit very well into your song and maybe they are easier to dance than ballet or modern moves.

(But, I don't know. Maybe you do know ballet and that is the best option for you.)

Have a look at this for example:

The two videos above show simple choreographies. As I don't know what your dancing level is, it's a bit difficult for me to give you more specific recommendations. I'd suggest you continue searching at YouTube with those kind of keywords (like simple modern choreography, simple hip-hop choreography, simple contemporary choreography, etc.). You will see there are many options there.

I hope this helps. Don't hesitate to come back with more questions if you have them. I'll always do my best to help you out.

Warm regards,


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