Choreography based on a historical event that had an effect on the Australian people. Topic ideas. PLEASE!

by Cb

I have to choreograph a dance performance based on a historical event that had an effect on the Australian people. It can be from the gold rush to the introduction of colour TV.
I need ideas cause i do not want to be doing something that everyone else is doing. Think outside the box please.

Comments for Choreography based on a historical event that had an effect on the Australian people. Topic ideas. PLEASE!

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Jul 21, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Cb,

I just pasted the following phrase in my browser's searchbox: 'a historical event that had an effect on the Australian people'.

There's a long list of websites with historical data about Australia. I don't know what your classmates are working on, so I guess you better do the same as me and start reading what's available in the web. I'm sure you will find a lot of specific topics to make your choreography.

Go on and give it a try!

All the best,


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