Which is the best country to study contemporary dance?

by Waithera


I am 18 years old and my dream is it to become a professional dancer. I will graduate in April next year, so therefore I need to start auditioning for the next winter semester.

I am kind of lost in the jungle of dance schools and don’t know how to choose from just reading their internet pages.
I have been searching for a school/academy and have asked loads of people where to go, and they always seem to categorize the countries. For example one said the schools in Germany are still very classical and not so innovative, where against England is more innovative having companies like Akhram Khan, where they mix contemporary with other styles. So I wandered whether there is some kind of categorizing like that and if yes, could you maybe give me a small insight into the European countries and also the USA (which I am sure is hard to put "in a category”) ?

I am sure its not easy or not usual to categorize a country since there are differences in the country itself, so if that’s too complicated could you maybe tell me a few schools that concentrate on being innovative and maybe even bringing in more urban styles?

Thanks already
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Aug 20, 2014
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Wai,

You’re right. One can not categorize countries in such a general way. I would better think of specific schools for the research and the key is to ask for the education programs they offer. If you see that the program offers at least several classes or levels of composition, improvisation, creative workshops, and other genres of dance, then you can know that it's oriented towards creativity. If there are only technical classes (like ballet, contemporary, modern, pilates or physical education methods) then you’ll know that the school is oriented towards forming ‘just dancers’, to say it in a way.

However, if you attend a big dancing institution, it will be rare that you only get technical classes. Usually, other than the creative subjects, you’ll also have theoretical classes and other complementary knowledge.

There’s one chat in our forum that may be helpful for you. Please read my answer there to find recommended dancing schools:

Best schools of contemporary dance

Warm regards,


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