The Dancer's Body

by Destiny
(Jacksonville, FL, USA)

What does a dancer need in order to perform at his/ her best ability?

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May 24, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Destiny,

Each dance genre has its own challenges for the dancer. However, one could say that there are some things that are important for all dancers:

- Expressivity

- Technique

- Energy (vitality, conviction, inner force, and everything that gives the dance the shine of an extraordinary event)

In the specific case of contemporary dance, there are some other particular features that are important to be a great dancer:

- Versatility: the contemporary dancer needs to be able to perform an enormous amount of assorted shapes and qualities of movement, as well as act, use voice or perform other related bodily practices (like juggling or so...).

- To be open-minded: as contemporary dance is often experimental, the dancer needs to accept to perform weird, unusual or subversive pieces.

In the ideal cases, all those aspects are trained daily. That rhythm and a constant attitude of research and learning create the conditions for the existence of a great dancer.

Compared to many other professions, the dancer's career involves a lot of hard work over your own body and mind. Dance is as much a mental practice as a bodily practice, though outsiders are not aware of that part of our training. So, in order to perform at his/ her best ability, a professional dancer needs to have the highest power over his/her whole self.

I hope this answers to your question.

Warm regards,


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