Technique for dancing tilts

by Barbara

What is a tilt? How can I do it? What are the mistakes you frequently do when doing a tilt?

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Mar 20, 2013
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Barbara,

A tilt is the name given to an inclination of the trunk (from the hips to the shoulders), while dancing in a standing level and in any direction. The most popular tilts are executed sideways and were developed as choreographic vocabulary by modern dancers.

To do a tilt, you need to transfer your weight to one leg only and tilt your trunk at the same time. You can do it without including your arms, but it is easier if you do. So, start by opening your arms to the sides of your body (in a second position) and practice the tilt like this, till you get familiarized with the new distribution of weight. Once you're strong enough to maintain balance, you can start trying the tilt without using your arms or changing their positions.

The most common mistake when learning tilts is to transfer the weight to the leg first and then do the tilt. This is another way of moving, but it usually takes the dancer out of balance. Therefore, it is recommended to try to do both actions simultaneously (at least to reach the modern styled tilt).

Another common mistake is to loose the feeling of constant upward growing. You know that is a technical image the dancer should maintain when doing moves that require balance. So, you need to transfer weight, tilt and continue growing, to avoid loosing your stability.

And the third mistake is to use too much force or momentum to transfer the weight to the leg. That, again, will take you out of balance.

Tilts are movements that require a lot of force of the core and legs. Therefore, they are practiced by intermediate to advanced dancers only. They are not recommended for beginners. It is also better to practice them towards the end of the class, when the body has been completely warmed up and prepared.

I hope this answers your question.

Warm regards,


Aug 24, 2023
back and pelvis in the tilt
by: MaryLu

in tilt, does the pelvis start to tilt and then the back follow? or do the pelvis have to remain stable/vertical?

Aug 26, 2023
Reply for MaryLu
by: Maria

Dear MaryLu,

I don't understand which tilt you mean. According to the definiton above, your pelvis has to lean. So, I don't see how you can do a tilt maintaining it in a vertical postition...

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