Summer dance schools for someone with a non-dance degree

by Livia Stoica


My name is Livia, I am 22 and I have a Sociology and Drama degree. I would be interested in taking up dance more professionally, being keen on building a foundation in dance so that I could apply for an undergraduate pogramme in dance as soon as possible.

I would be grateful if you could suggest me some summer schools in Europe that could be helpful for that. I have looked at The Place in London, also at P.A.R.T.S., but would like to have more options, to choose from financially.

Thank you in advance,


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Jun 30, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Livia,

If you need financial flexibility, you might want to go for the summer to any of the big cities in Europe and just take free classes, according to your budget.

If you go to Paris, for example, you will find classes all the time at the CND. The price is usually really affordable (from 6 to 8 Euros). And whenever classes are not programmed in the center, they will tell you where to go. There's always someone giving classes.

Another great option for this is La Caldera, in Barcelona. The price is the same, you go freely to the classes and you only pay each time you attend.

I haven't visited all big cities in Europe for this, but I dare guessing that you will find this possibility in all of them. You just have to look for independent companies, studios or choreographic centers and ask for the free classes program.

I hope this helps you find a good option.

Remember our directory, which might be of help in your search for independent schools or companies:

Contemporary dance Schools

Contemporary dance Companies

Wishing you the best,


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