Starting to dance as a clinically obese person?

by Andrea
(Barcelona, Spain)


The title pretty much encloses my question, but I will give you some details anyway. I am a 27 y/o female, clinically obese (105kg at 172cm tall).

I study design. I will start soon the last year of my BA (however I will be distributing this last year in a total of 2 years), this might not be relevant at start, but I fell in love with contemporary dance because of the close link it has to art and design (you name it: costumes, escenography, film/video....)

The idea of becoming a dancer has been in my mind for at least 4 years now, but age, eating away my anxiety and yo-yo weight struggles, have well kept me from this dream.

As my last year starts and the idea of my thesis approaches my mind, I would like to integrate a piece of contemporary dance in what I plan to do for my final project. So, basically I have 2 years to drop around 90 pounds (40kg) and maybe not be a super dancer but maybe a decent one so I can make a piece of dance by then.

I am well overweight, zero strenght or flexibility, however I am hitting the gym 3 to 5 times a week to tackle the problem, getting help from a nutrition expert, a personal trainer, and other five different therapists every week.

After giving you a brief but intense introduction to my situation, my questions are:

Is it two years enough for what I intend to do?
Should I drop to a decent weight before starting?
I'm I doomed because of my age, weight and health?
What do you recommend as preparation to get started in my personal case?
Any other tips, friendly advice, etc.?
I really appreciate your help as I have no one to ask and it is crucial to plan my future.


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Jun 16, 2016
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Andrea,

You can dance, regardless of your weight. The real question is what moves or choreographies you should try.

Having the health issue, you need to be careful with every form of physical activity that you practice. You should start with easy things and make a slow and progressive learning process. Ideally, you should always be guided by a professional instructor.

I believe you can achieve your project in two years, but that depends on the time you spend on it during that time.

To advance faster, I’d recommend you to change your gym hours for dance lessons. Dancing is a very complete form of exercise, so if you dance, you don’t need to go to the gym. However, remember to be careful and take only beginners’ levels.

Warm regards,


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