Scholarship for Performing Arts Online Courses

by Ernest Heyne
(Riga, Latvia)

If any of you are just looking for online education for summer, then you have a great opportunity to get an ArtUniverse Scholarship to study on 3-Month Distance Learning Courses at NIPAI (

ArtUniverse provides partial scholarships to support performers and creators in these difficult times, because now online education is the safest and the most convenient way to develop professional skills at home.

Upcoming courses:

▶️ "The Director and Play"
▶️ "Choreography and Blocking in Performance"
▶️ "The Director and Ensemble Building"

The amount of the scholarship for each applicant is determined individually based on his/her needs, professional achievements and goals.

To receive a scholarship, you should fill out an application form, proving that you need and deserve this scholarship:

More information about ArtUniverse:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

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