Recognizing contemporary dance.

by Jana
(Lebanon )

What are the ten basic dance combinations which make a dance contemporary?

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Feb 26, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Jana,

In our page for dance terms, you will find a definition of contemporary dance that will help you understand that this is a dance form whose main features are not defined by specific dance combinations.

It might sound a bit confusing, but contemporary dance is not limited by choreographic patterns. Actually, one of the ways of recognizing it is because you can not identify dance moves that you already know.

I have written several answers for other visitors, trying to explain the nature and diversity of contemporary dance. I believe it will be good for you to read those threads so that you start recognizing contemporary dance.

First of all, read its definition. Just scroll down through the following page till you find the word:

Dance terms

Then, visit these threads:

What does contemporary dance look like

The key features of contemporary dance

General info about contemporary dance

There are many other interesting threads in our forum for dance questions. If you browse around, you might find other answers that help you expand your understanding.

Don't hesitate to reply within this same thread if you still need help. I'll be here to help you out!

Warm regards,


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