Please help me identify what this partner turn is and how to do it!!

by Paige

I have seen this move before but I cannot locate it now that I want to use it in a dance I am working on.

It is a partner move and it usually (from what I remember) starts with the girl out rolling in toward the guy so his arm wraps around her.

She then leans forward/folds at the waist and he spins her almost like he is stiring a pot while she is down and his arm goes over her back and around her. She doesn't stand until the end of the turn.

Even if someone can link a video where they do this so I can watch it.

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Feb 28, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Paige,

It would be helpful if you tell us if this is a combination that you've seen in contemporary dancers or if it is part of a ballroom dance genre or another type of dance.

I'm not quite sure of understanding the move you describe but I will do some research to see if I find something similar.

For the moment, I will leave your thread opened, hoping that a helpful visitor gives us a hand.

I will be waiting for your reply, to know if it is a contemporary dance combination or if it makes part of another type of dance. That might make my research more effective.

Warm regards,


Feb 28, 2012
I think I figured out part of it...
by: Paige

I think I was combining two different things in my head when first trying to explain. After a lot of thinking I had a realization that I was wrong about how you get into the move.

I have seen this move on dancing with the stars but it doesn't seem to have a particular style it goes with.

So now I think the move starts with the guy behind the girl, arms going under her arm pits. I believe he then turns her folding her down releasing with one arm.

It makes her go kinda way down then up...

I don't think it is meant for more then one turn...

I know it is REALLY hard to explain.

Mar 01, 2012
Reply from Maria
by: Maria

Well, even if we don't know exactly which combination it is, there's something you might consider while trying the movement:

Whenever you do a partner-turn and end up holding one hand, you need to have held that hand whether at the start or during the turn. If I were you, I would create the combination myself, doing exactly what you are describing.

The only thing that's missing in your description is the hand that will still be held at the release.

Maybe it's not so difficult or maybe you find a new combination that is also interesting...

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