Physiotherapist for contemporary dancers

by Polly

Hi :)

I am a physiotherapy student and I am not a dancer but I am interested in dance and theatre in general.

I would like to know if there is a chance, because I am not a dancer, in terms of courses for physiotherapists to specialize for dance injuries. What do I have to do and learn and how or where to be physiotherapist specialized for dancers?

Do dance schools and academies around the world have a physiotherapist who is one of the employees? If that is the case, does the PT participate in everyday classes or just with those students who have injuries?

Do you think the physiotherapist has an important role in contemporary dance?

Could someone, maybe, help me to contact some physiotherapist who works with dancers, because I would like to find out more.

Thank you so much!

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Mar 31, 2015
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Polly,

Yes, dance schools and academies around the world usually have physiotherapists who are part of their employees. However, PTs don’t participate in everyday classes. They treat injured dancers or are in charge of physiology courses.

I believe physiotherapy plays a very important role in contemporary dance, as in all kind of physical activity.

I don’t know much about schools for specializing like you say, but you may find some help at the Rudolf Nureyev foundation medical website. You will find a link to that website in the following page of our directory:

Websites related to dance

Just scroll down the page till the word ‘Rudolf….’


Apr 01, 2015
Thank you Maria
by: Polly

Thanks a lot for your reply! I like your website very much and I think you are doing great work!

Thank you!

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