Learning the basics of contemporary dance for free ?

by Pradnya

Hey Maria,

I want to learn contemporary dance through my cell phone!!!! I love this dance form… But I’m 17... I just wanted to know if I can start with basics for free.... Is it too late for me to start?

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Feb 26, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Pradnya,

You can try starting alone watching free videos. However, the help of an experienced teacher is always recommended when trying physical activities.

Some weeks ago, Helen from Ukraine opened a thread about free videos about contemporary dance. Visit that page to find a first recommendation of which videos to watch:

Free videos to learn contemporary dance

The answer to your other question about being too late for you is already in the following thread:

Can I start dancing contemporary at 16 ?

There are many other helpful threads at our forum about dance questions from beginners. Just browse around it and you will find many information of your interest.

Warm regards,


Mar 10, 2013
dance is my heart which does not die till i die
by: pavithra arrumbakam14/3

i like to dance and to play keyboard but i went class for keyboard wheareas i didnt go class for dance so i wish to go but seeing my results in studies my parents are not allowing in school days their saying if u want to go classes for dance u can go at halfearly leave but i wish to go class for dance

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