How to start your dancing career.

by Monique Taylor
(Denver, CO)

I live in Denver, there are not many opportunities out here to start a career in dance, and I don't have money to fly myself out to Cali or NY (I'm 18).

Originally, I'm a hip-hop dancer; I'd like to start out with ballet so I can be experienced in all parts of dance. Dancing is like my first love. Anyway, I guess my question for you is basically how do I get out this box of living in a state where there are not many opportunities? I know I'm a good dancer, every one says it. I just wish I had one opportunity to show people.

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Nov 01, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Monique

I do live in a context like yours too (I guess worse than yours) but even though I have managed to dedicate my self to dance.

You're a grown up person already . If you wish to travel to another city to learn more about dance, just do it and find your self part time jobs to finance your dream. That's the way many dancers choose.

After doing that, you need to be extremely active: study, create dance, perform, go to auditions, meet people, etc., etc. Just maintain yourself in the attitude of doing something related to dance and the rest will come alone.

Concerning the lack of opportunities in your locality, you could understand that situation from another perspective. That gives you the possibility of being a pioneer and doing something for dance to flourish there. It will be hard, but believe me: dance is a hard path of life, wherever you live... but on the other hand, you enjoy the great experience of dedicating yourself to it, which is marvelous.

Just don't be scared if dance is your dream and go for it.

Warm regards,


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