How to loose weight?

by Sihi

Hi! ma'am I'm asking another question and that is:"HOW TO LOOSE WEIGHT".......

I'm 43kg for 11 years but I should be near 35kg. Can you pleaseeeeeee tell me how to loose weight?

And thanks for your accurate answer for my last question about the thin body… I think you’re right.

If anybody has the answer you’re most welcome to comment it!!!!!!!!!

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Mar 24, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Sihi,

We have a special page entitled The Dancer Diet at our site. I recommend you to read it completely and carefully.

If you follow a balanced diet as explained on that page, and complement it with at least one daily hour of dance, you will progressively achieve a healthy weight.

But you must accept from the very beginning that the process of loosing weight should be slow and gradual.

Actually, what you need to do is to improve your feeding habits until they become your routine without making efforts or thinking too much about it. That might take months or even years.

So, just be persistent and patient.

Wishing you the best health.



Dec 11, 2011
dont worry
by: Alexis

Hi my name is Alexis, i am a dancer and i am 11. i weigh 46 kilos. I dont think im fat... no body else does... but i am a very sporty, tall kid and i am pretty muscle-ee for a girl. you dont need to loose weight.

I know this isnt much but beleive me, be happy for who you are. i used to be 49 kilos, which is kinda embarrasing but i lost weight by not eating junk food, and working out. Hope this helped!

- Alexis.

Feb 12, 2015
by: Scary

Dancing is a great exercise and if you are interested in dancing you will not feel exhausted while dancing. Also you can have the dancer’s diet that is shared in the other page of the website. This will also help you lose your weight easily.

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