How old do you have to be to start contemporary?

by Alexis
(Cairns QLD, Australia)

How old do you have to be to start contemporary? My dance teacher said that there might be a junior one for around our age? (11) Please answer! I really want to do contemporary next year.
(I am 11 years old)

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Dec 11, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Alexis,

You are in a very good age for starting the practice of contemporary dance.

Actually, it is o.k. to start even since you are eight years old, but that is not so common among schools.

I guess that in your case, it depends more on the courses and teachers available. If they open the junior class, you might be accepted, unless it is a class for really older teens and the teacher thinks that it does not fit you.

Good luck with it!

Warm regards,


Dec 11, 2011
by: Alexis

Thanks Maria! I had no idea what age we had to be! Thanks again!

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