How much does a dance company make per performance?

by Amy


I was just wondering how much does a dance company make per performance?

I'd be really grateful if you could help.



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May 22, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Amy,

As you know, there are hundreds of contemporary dance companies around the world and their earnings depend on many factors:

- The size of the company and its reputation.

- The theater in which it performs.

- The country and city.

- Special funding circumstances like if it's supported by governments or if it's a private business.

-The fact of being presented within the frame of a festival or not.

-Other related issues.

So, if you wish to know how much they make, you need to contact them one by one and ask. There's no other way.

You might want to browse over our directory of companies and choose a specific group to make a first research. Here's the link to that information:

Contemporary Dance Companies

Good luck with your research!

All the best,


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