En Pointe (do you think that it would be likely for me to become a professional dancer?)

by Melissa
(Manchester, England, UK)

I'm 15 and I want to be a company dancer. I didn't start to get serious about dance until last year and that was the year I first started ballet. I have strength in my legs from other sports and other dancing that I have done in the past so do you think that it would be likely for me to become a professional dancer?

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May 23, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Melissa,

Yes, it is possible for you to become a professional dancer, but that depends on how much work you can spend on it from now on.

Please read my answers in the following threads to have a wider understanding of what I mean:

Here’s an explanation of how much a professional dancer has to train

Can I start dancing contemporary at 16?

Is it too late to begin ballet and modern/contemporary dance?

Warm regards,


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