Documents about how movement could be a mystical experience or a transcendental one.

by Paloma

Dear Maria,

First of all, thank you for the blog and all your texts. They're so useful and easy to read! (and I'm sorry about my english, I'm just learning it right now).

I'm studying literature and my thesis is about travel literature. In fact, I would like to apply some concepts and theories of movement to shape my analysis. I read your texts about Laban's notation and I will look for the Bernard's books you recommended.

Do you have other references or documents about theory of movement in dance? Precisely, about how could movement be a mystical experience or a transcendental one.

I know it's a very specific question but any guidance would help me a lot.

Thank you!



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Nov 06, 2014
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Paloma,

I’m glad to hear that is being useful for you.

You know that your question is not easy. I have to tell you that I’m not someone who is inclined towards ‘mystical’ topics, especially because I find them ambiguous and sometimes difficult to understand.

However, I remember a book that I read many years ago. At the time I found it very inspiring (I was like twenty two years old then). I’m not sure what I would think about it now, but I remember that it talks a lot about the mystical or transcendental experience of dance.

The book is written by an American dancer called Waldeen, in Spanish. The title is "La Danza, Imagen de creación continua".

As you may know, several figures of modern dance history where concerned about topics like spirituality, the expression of the soul or the ancestral memory. You can find Mary Wigman, Ruth Saint Denis, Isadora Duncan and even Martha Graham among them. Yet, each one of them has a very unique speech that differs a lot from the others. So, if you make some research about the ideological grounding of their dance, you may also find something related to your specific interest.

You also ask for more literature about movement theory. That’s a very wide question, so I recommend you to visit the following thread and follow the recommended links there:

Dance Literature

Warm regards,


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