Do I need any qualification to be a professional dancer?

by Jane
(Sydney )

I want to know if I need to have any qualification and certificates to be a professional or do I just go to auditions without it. Me and my parents worry that I had to complete certain course and need my high-school certificate. I didn't finish high school. I didn't dance so I don't have to go to school. Me learning dancing has nothing to do with it.

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Mar 05, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Jane,

It is possible to do auditions without having certificates, but that depends on the institution or dance company that is recruiting dancers. Some ask for them and some don't.

Having certificates of a formal education can always open many doors in a working career, whether if it is in the dancing field or any other profession.

Just as with many other occupations, you can try to create your own business or be recognized for your talent and working dedication. Though, without the support of formal education, you will have to compete hard and find a way to shine over the rest of dancers so that people know what you can do.

However, if you are thinking of a professional life as a dancer, you should keep in mind that dancers usually have alternative jobs, like teaching or even non related activities. This happens because the dancers' salaries are frequently unstable and sometimes insufficient. So, for being hired for an alternative job you will do much easier if you have certificates of any kind of formal education. That is a strategy that allows many dancers to continue with their dancing careers without having too much economical stress.

We have a related thread that you might want to read too. Here's the link to it:

How old do you have to be to start in a contemporary dance company professionally?

I hope this answers your question. Don't hesitate to reply in this same thread if you still have doubts about the topic.

Warm regards,


Mar 11, 2012
more question
by: jane

i can't finish high school due to personal reasons what are the ways i can make myself be seen

Mar 12, 2012
Reply from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Jane,

One of the ways to make your self visible is doing auditions and being the best. So, train very hard and be proactive in all possible ways. Go to performances, visit companies and schools, be present at any event about the dancing activity in your locality, etc.

The other way is to produce dance your self and perform. You can try starting a career as an independent choreographer. It might be tough, but you can do research, study and learn while trying.

Remember our special pages for young choreographers, starting with this one:


And our blog, where you will always find news and interesting information:

Contemporary Dance Blog

Warm regards,


Mar 12, 2012
by: jane


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