Dance (how to dance better?)

by Chibuike
(P.h, Rivers state,Nigeria)

How can my contemporary dance get better?

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Jul 24, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Chibuike,

I believe that you can improve anything you do by dedicating your self as much as you can to it. This means a simple thing: dance, dance and dance. Or practice, practice and practice...

If your concern is your physical skills, remember that a dancer should train about two hours, at least two times a day (rehearsals or performances do not count...). So, take classes or train by your self if you want to keep in very good physical shape and improve your skills.

If your concern is your dance pieces (I am assuming that you are a choreographer), well I guess there's research work you need to do, to be updated and informed. Following our website can help you out with this, for example. But again, practice, being pro active, and creating dances constantly, should make your contemporary dance get better.

The best way to be better is to try to be better, studying, practicing, searching... there are no shortcuts for this. Just work hard and you will see.

I suggest you give that a try!


Jul 29, 2011
by: chibuike

pls how can i get some of ur books.i mean contemporary dance books

Jul 29, 2011
Answer 2, from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Chibuike,

I've written an electronic book that you can get through the following page:

The handy e-book of contemporary dance history

All explanations about how to get the book are on that page, but if you have any problems or doubts, just write me back and I'll guide you.

The rest of my writings are published in this website, so it would be enough to explore deeply to find them.

Just write me back if you need any help.



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