Dance Achievements

by Melissa

If you get really good at dancing, then what do you achieve?

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Oct 22, 2011
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Melissa,

Technical dance achievements vary according to the specific type or style of contemporary dance you aim for.

Some common skills searched by contemporary dancers are:


-Spontaneous and creative improvisation

-Physical force and suppleness

-Smooth relationship with the floor or during the changing of levels

-Versatile expressivity

-Acrobatic skills (high jumps, turnings, balances and so forth)

Though, as I have explained in some of the pages at our website, each contemporary dance project has its own demands. It might seem a bit complex, be that's the way it is...

I believe you might clear up your doubt by reading our main page about contemporary dance techniques. Here's the link to it:

Contemporary Dance Techniques

And to understand even better, read our pages about contemporary dance and modern dance history:

Contemporary Dance History

Modern Dance History

If, after all that reading, you still have doubts, just write back through this same thread. I'll be glad to continue helping you out.

Warm regards,


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