Contemporary dance instructional DVD, for the absolute beginner in their early 30's

by Roger
(United States)


I was hoping you could help me with a recommendation for a contemporary dance instructional DVD, for the absolute beginner in their early 30's.

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Jun 25, 2012
Answer from Maria
by: Maria

Dear Roger,

Unfortunately I haven't yet seen the content of such a DVD, so that I would recommend it to you. However, I know about something available at that may fit your wish. You can find it through the following link:

DVD: Contemporary Dance Class for Adult Beginners

I recommended something that you can watch at YouTube in another related thread at our forum. Those exercises are o.k. but they are not presented in a didactic way, which may make it very difficult if you are just starting (and they do not teach you to warm up before, which is extremely important). So, you may want to learn from those videos, but some experience with a good teacher will always be ideal when starting. Here's the link to that thread:

Free videos about contemporary dance technique

In case you haven't read the following thread, I think it might be helpful for you as well:

Contemporary dance for beginners

Warm regards,


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