Contemporary Dance, How to start again?

by Maddy

Hi! I am 15 years old and I am wanting to start dancing again. I danced for about 2-years in middle school, but due to injures I, unfortunatly, had to stop. Once I was healed, I got so caught up in other thing, I never danced after that. I am now a sophomore in high school and am wanting to get back into what I love. I am looking for anyone to help me figure out what classes I will need to take to get myself back to where I was when I stopped. I know how to get myself in shape for it, but I'm not sure what classes I need to take. Thank you to anyone that can help!!

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Sep 11, 2017
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Maddy,

This chat may be useful for you:

contemporary dance for beginners

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