If you want to appear in our list of contemporary dance companies in Canada (it’s free) or want to update your contact information just fill in our submission form.

Please keep in mind that this is a website about contemporary dance. Send your data only if your practice belongs to this type of dance or is very close related.

(The sign @ has been replaced in e-mail addresses with the signs [at] … to protect us all from spammers…)


Good Women Dance Collective Artistic direction and choreography: Ainsley Hillyard, Alison Kause, Alida Nyquist-Schultz and Kate Stashko. Edmonton. Postal Code: T6E 6B6 E-mail Address: info[at]

Mile Zero Dance Artistic direction: Gerry Morita. Choreographer: Gerry Morita and others. Street Address: 9533 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton T: 01-780-424-1573 info[at]
We have a full season including mainstage shows, studio shows, residencies, choreographic labs, workshops, and education in schools.

British Columbia

Ballet BC (Vancouver)

Company 605  (Vancouver)

Inverso Artistic direction and choreography: Lesley Telford. Vancouver. T: +12368888993  lestelford[at]


Alexandra Elliot Dance Inc.

Drive Dance Artistic direction: Kathleen Hiley, Arlo Reva & Robyn Thomson Kacki. Winnipeg T: 204-688-5014 drivedance[at]

Kathleen Hiley Solo Projects Artistic direction: Kathleen Hiley. soloprojects[at]

Nafro Dance Productions

Winnipeg's Contemporary Dancers

Young Lungs Dance Exchange


A2Y Dance Inc Artistic director: Aly Apter and Yossi Niznik. 236 Wellington Street East Suite 101, Aurora, L4G 1J5  T: (905) 726-1000 info[at]

Bridge to Artists Artistic direction and choreography: Vlad. 565 Edward St, Unit 10, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C9Y5 T: 905-737-6446 bridgetoartists[at]  Pre-professional contemporary dance company, employing a collaboration of student and professional dancers to create storytelling contemporary dance performances. 

Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre Choreographer: Deborah Lundmark. 509 Parliament Street, Toronto, M4X 1P3 T: 416.924.5657 F: 416.924.4141 info[at]

DANCEMAKERS Artistic director: Michael Trent. 55 Mill Street, Building 74 Case Goods Warehouse, Studio 306 Toronto, ON M5A 3C4 T: 416.367.1800 F: 416.367.1870 michael[at]

Danny Grossman Dance Company  108 Withrow Avenue, Toronto ON, M4K 1C9, T: 416-898-5280

Kaeja d'Dance Artistic directors: Karen Kaeja, Allen Kaeja. 734 Euclid Ave. Toronto M6G 2V2 T: (416) 516-6030 Fax: 416 537 5205 kaeja[at]

Near&Far Projects Artistic director: Tavia Christina.  Toronto.

Nova Dance Toronto

Susanna Hood


Bouge de là Artistic director : Hélène Langevin. 2025, Rue Parthenais, suite 305, Montréal, QC, H2K 3T2 T :514-504-8715 F: 514-504-8718 langehelene[at]

CAS PUBLIC Artistic director: Hélène Blackburn. 3505 Durocher Montreal, QC H2X 2E7 T : (514)390-1110 F : (514)390-0657 info[at]

Compagnie Marie Chouinard 4499 av. de l´ esplanade Montreal (QC), H2W 1T2 T : 1 514 843 9036 F : 1 514 843-7616 info[at]

Corps Indice Art Direction : Isabelle Choinière. 1441 Cuvillier - Montreal, QC, H1W 2Z9 T : 001 514 521 0687 isabellechoiniere[at] Skype ID: isabellechoiniere

Corpuscule Danse Artistic direction: France Geoffroy. T : (514) 759-5316 infos[at]

DLD Artistic director: Frédérick Gravel.  2025 Rue Parthenais Bureau 302, 
Montréal, Québec, H2K 3T2  T: +15145048715  info[at]

Danse Carpe Diem Artistic director: Emmanuel Jouthe. 2022 Street Sherbrooke Est, office 412 Montréal (Québec) H2K 1B9 T : +1 514 525-1569, poste 227 F : + 1 514 525-8575 emmanuel[at]

Danse-Cité Artistic director: Daniel Soulières. 3680, rue Jeanne-Mance, bureau 426 Montréal, Québec H2X 2K5 T: 514 525-3595 T: 514 525-3536 administration[at]

De Brune Cie. Choreographer : Lynda Gaudreau. C.P. 25, succursale Place du Parc Montréal (QC), H2X 4A3 T : 514 284 0176 Tc : 514 284 9334 debrune[at]

Ensemble Indépendant Choreographer: Julie Lebel. 222 Smith Sept-Iles QC G4R 3W9 T : Julie Lebel (604) 738-2097 julie[at]

Flak Cie. Artistic director: José Navas. 460, Ste-Catherine Street West, suite 411 Montreal, QC H3B 1A7 Dance Studio address: 486, Ste-Catherine Street West, suite 305 T: +1 (514) 876-1313 F: +1 (514) 876-7878 info[at]

Le Fils d'Adrien danse Choreographer : Harold Rhéaume. 336 rue du Roi, bureau 210, Québec G1K 2W5 T: 418 523 1777 F : 418 649 90 88 danse[at]

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal

Les Soeurs Schmutt Choreographers : Élodie & Séverine Lombardo. 4644 Chambord Montréal Qc H2J 3M7 T: 514 526 3622 soeurschmutt[at]

Lost&Found Artistic direction and choreography: Alejandro De Leon. 35 rue Dante Montreal H2S 1J6 T: 514 947 7793 alejandro[at]

Louise Bédard danse Choreographer : Louise Bédard. T: 514 982 4580 infos[at]

Louise Lecavalier/Fou Glorieux

Lucie Grégoire Danse Choreographer : Lucie Grégoire. 1030, rue Cherrier bureau 405 Montréal (Québec) H2L 1H9 T: (514) 524-7665 Tc: (514) 524-7584 luciegregoire3[at]

Margie Gillis Dance Foundation Choreographer : Margie Gillis. 3519, rue Saint-Urbain Montréal (Qc) H2X 2N6 T : 514.845.3115 F : 514.845.4526 info[at]

maribé - sors de ce corps Choreographer : Marie Béland. 2630 boul. Pie-IX #2 Montréal, Qc H1V 2E7 info[at]

Montréal Danse Artistic director: Kathy Casey. 372, Sainte-Catherine St. West, suite 109 Montréal, Qc H3B 1A2 T: 514.871.4005 F: 514.871.4007 questions[at]

Nyata Nyata Choreographer: Zab Maboungou. 4374, Bld. St. Laurent, 3rd floor Montréal, Qc H2W 1Z5 Toll free : 1 877 NYATA 08 T: (514) 849-9781 F: (514) 849-7199 info[at]

O Vertigo Choreographer: Ginette Laurin. 175, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest Montreal, Qc H2X 1Z8 T: 514 251-9177 F: 514 251-7358 info[at]

par b.l.eux Choreographer : Benoit Lachambre. 1750 St-André Street, Suite 3028 Montréal Québec H2L 3T8 T: 514.596.2127 F: 514.523.4424 direction[at]

PPS Danse Artistic director : Pierre-Paul Savoie. 4430, rue Parthenais Montreal, QC H2H 2G5 T : (514) 272-1198 F: (514) 524-9977 info[at]

Production Laps Choreographer : Martin Bélanger. 1030, rue Cherrier, bureau 405 Montréal (QC) H2K 3H1 T : +1/514-504-8712

RUBBERBAND Artistic director and choreographer: Victor Quijada. Montreal.
sandyg[at]      Los Angeles native Victor Quijada brings together classical dance composition and west coast hip-hop like no one before him. Bursting onto the scene with his Montreal-based company in 2002, Quijada uprooted the boundaries of contemporary dance, creating a singular language that is uniquely his own. His dance technique, the RUBBERBAND Method is now taught in some of the most prestigious dance schools and conservatories from Los Angeles to London.

Sinha Danse Choreographer: Roger Sinha. 4430 Parthenais Montreal, Qc, H2H 2G5 T: (514) 524-7997 F: (514) 524-9977

Sursaut Dance Company Artistic direction and choreography: Francine Châteauvert. 250, rue du Dépot Bureau 322 Sherbrooke J1H 5G4 T: 819-822-8912 F: 819-822-0914 E-mail Address: info[at] 
Sursaut is a contemporary dance company dedicated to the creation, production and dissemeination of dance works for young and family audiences.

Suzanne Miller & Allan Paivio Productions Artistic direction: Suzanne Miller and Allan Paivio. Choreographer: Suzanne Miller. 2369 rue Ryde, Montreal Zip/Postal Code: H3K 1R5 T: 514 989-0342 millerpaivio[at] 
A Contemporary Dance/Performance company since 1998 based in Montreal Canada. "Two of Canada's most progressive artists". (The Banff Centre) The company has toured throughout North America, parts of South America, Europe and The Middle East.

Sylvain Émard Danse Choreographer : Sylvain Émard. 2022, rue Sherbrooke Est, #400 Montréal Qc H2K 1B9 T : 514 598 1733 communication[at]

Système D Choreographer : Dominique Porte. T : 514.277.8893 dp[at]

Van Grimde Corps Secrets Choreographer: Isabelle Van Grimde. 3680, Jeanne-Mance, bur. 420 Montreal (Qc) H2X 2K5 T: 1-514-844-3680 F : 1-514-844-3699 info[at]

I hope you find our directory of contemporary dance companies in Canada useful. Remember that it is continuously under construction and you’re invited to participate if you wish to!

Also, if you prefer your name to be removed from this list, just contact me by sending a message.

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