Contemporary dance classes
in Shangai

by Chivonne
(Shanghai, China)


So glad that I found your website. It is very helpful.

After many years of struggling to find my real passion without considering and afraid about my future I decided to be a dancer. I will dedicate myself to art for my whole life because I really love art and I just can lost myself in it with happiness and love.

I am 24. I started dance since 5 years old but I stopped after 2 years and I just dance and practice occasionally by myself. I am not a professional dancer but I got offer to perform for some event and I got paid as a belly dancer (which I learned by myself ). Almost all people who saw me dance they said I got a talent in performing especially dance even my technique was not professional. I want to develop it and I’ve always liked contemporary. Do you know any place I can study in China? At the moment I’m at Shanghai and don’t think I can study abroad in these 2 years.

Please, if you have any advice let me know.

Many thanks,

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in Shangai

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Aug 16, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Chivonne,

I haven't been in Shangai personally, nor have I visited the dance schools there, so I will give you a related information I found searching in the web. But, unfortunately I can not recommend you those schools because I do not really know them. My advice to you is to visit those places yourself so that you can decide if their classes fit your needs and personality.

In case you don't like those dance schools, maybe the dancers and teachers there can recommend you other places to take contemporary dance classes. As I see, there's not a lot of information about this topic in the web.

It seems that Jazz du funk is a very popular dance studio in Shangai. They have contemporary dance classes and you can find the schedules and fees in their website.

There are modern dance classes at Dance Studio ARTIST Shangai. Though modern dance is different from contemporary dance, it is close related and some teachers mix their techniques and methods, so it may be of interest for you too.

I also found a contemporary dance company called Brand nu dance. You could ask them if they give workshops occasionally or if they can recommend you other places to take classes.

I hope this helps. It would be great if you let us know through this same thread if you find other good places to take contemporary dance classes in Shangai.

I wish you all the best for your dancing future!


Jan 27, 2015
Jin Xing dance company
by: Anonymous

I think Jin Xing dance company offers classes:

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