Colleges that offer education in dancing, even if you haven't danced much.

by Titta

The thing is, I want nothing more than to be a professional street dancer and make money out of it. But I haven't started dancing at the age of 3 or anything, and I'm definitely not a professional dancer. I've danced ballet for less than a year, but had to quit because I moved with my family to the middle of nowhere and have recently started to travel a long way by train to take hip hop courses every Wednesday. I'd want to train my skills every day, all the time, but there aren't any places to do that near me! I'm at high school now, and every dance degrees offering colleges require, that you're a some sort of professional dancer already. What can I do? I know I have what it takes, I'm ready to train 24/7 to become good at dancing, but it seems, that because I haven't had the opportunities to dance much in the past, I won't be offered them in the future. Any colleges that offer education in dancing, even if you haven't danced much?

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Nov 13, 2012
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Titta,

You have a difficult situation, considering that you're so far away from dancing schools and that you're still a beginner.

However, I believe you can try using the internet while you finish high school and the time comes when you can travel to a place where you'll find teachers and a dancing ambience to learn and make a career.

Don't stop taking your Wednesday classes and try to repeat them at home, every day if possible.
Concerning the use of the internet, search and watch dance videos (Youtube is full of them) and learn by copying the dance moves. It is not so easy as if you have a teacher, but it is possible. Search for easy choreographies and don't try higher levels until you feel you can execute the easy ones. Just be disciplined:

- ALWAYS warm up (you can use the warm up you know from your Wednesdays classes).

- Practice at least once a day.

- Go from easy to difficult, without forcing your body and self. Learning to dance takes time and practice and there's no point in pretending to do more than what you can.

Talk with your parents and start planning to move to a city where you can have at least a couple of years of dancing experience. You can always come back home; if it's true that you're in such a lonely place, it will be important for you to spend a while in a city with artistic activity.

You can always study further at private schools and academies, even if you haven't danced much before. The problem in that case is that it may be expensive, but being in Europe or the United States, you can always work to finance your classes.

There's a popular statement that says: "Those who want something find the means to get it. Those who don't want it, find excuses for not having it".

Go for your dream, if it is true.

Warm regards,


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Nov 17, 2015
Maria's reply
by: Anonymous

Dear Richard,

Thanks for your message.

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Dec 11, 2015
by: Anonymous

thank you for this information

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