Are Acro and Contemporary Dance compatible?

by Louise

Hi, I'm a 11 soon to be 12 year old girl and I have been thinking about doing contemporary dance. The problem is that I also want to do acro. Are there usually acro moves in contemporary dance and should I join a contemporary dance class and acro or just join a contemporary one?

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Jul 18, 2016
Maria's reply
by: Maria

Dear Louise,

You can practice both simultaneously. There’s no problem with that. But if you want to deepen more in one of them, you better take more classes of a single one, than split your time in both.


Jan 05, 2021
Acro classes
by: Mpho

My daughter is turning 6 & has been doing ballet since she was 4. Acro has been recommended to her this year so i need to find out if its worth it at that age?

Jan 14, 2021
Acro classes at the age of six
by: Maria

Dear Mpho,

As long as your daughter has a good teacher, it is ok to take acro classes at her age. It may be both worth it and useful for a dancing or artistic future. But the key is the quality of the teachings.


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