by Marina Einstein
(Los Angeles, California )
Hello my name is Marina Einstein. I'm 15 years old and I dance 18 to 26 hours a week. I'm a good dancer but I dream to amazing like Tate McRae, Payton Johnson, Lucy Vallely, and so many more. I feel like a failure for I work soooooo HARD in my classes and talking to teachers after class on what I can work on. People have told me that I'm the most hard working person they met. My notes on my phone are filled with corrections and I have journals filled with them. But I haven't been improving to the amount of hard work I put into dance. It drives me crazy because I used to be a bad dancer 2 years ago and I had one realization and it shaped my thinking and training into becoming a good dancer but ever since then I feel my growth has been stagent and I feel like I'm expecting another crazy realization so I get much better again. Any advice?
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